Friday, April 28, 2006


Well the Aussie's wife is finally pregnant. I like to refer to her as "the Preggo". Anyway its kinda fun as she's pregnant with twins - and its even more remarkable given that neither of us have any sort of history of twins in the family.

Anyway just like weddings, anything to do with babies seems to be exhorbitantly (however you spell that long word) expensive. First of all, the gynae costs are rather expensive. It'll cost about 20bux to see a normal doc, but a gynae will easily cost 2 to 3 times this (its a good payoff for them, given that they only have to do 2 more years of med school to become a gynae).

Secondly any physical objects to do with babies is expensive - like prams, strollers, clothes blah blah blah. And all our friends keep telling us how doubly expensive its gonna be for us cause we are having twins. So at least for the next few years, the Aussie cannot spend money on his number one passion - modifying cars. Although I managed to get a one-off exception purchase from my CFO, and she allowed me to buy some chrome rims for our new station wagon (at least i don't look like such a boring family man cause now I have some pimped out rims to make our car look half non-family).

Anyway off to bed now,
The Aussie