Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Galleries!

Ok well its been a long time waiting but its finally here. I've worked out how to create an online gallery that has a huge free storage space (250mb in this case), has zero advertising and loads quickly.

So check out our latest pics here...don't forget to bookmark it

I've placed some links below to some of the more interesting galleries. Click on the pic to transport yourself to the gallery!

7 Weeks old and looking cute!
And the long awaited...the Baptism photos!!!
Birth of the two "K's

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

9 Weeks and Counting!

The girls will be 9 weeks old this week, and when we look back over the past 2 months (which has been a complete blur in our minds) they've really changed.

Katelyn is bubbly baby, always looking around and is constantly making faces - she makes good use of her eye brows, mouth, nose and chin and make funny faces. You'll often catch her smiling in her sleep - as Grandpa says "she's so sweet"!!!

Katherine is probably the more sensitive baby - since day 1 she's been the less fortunate one, requiring more 'princess' treatment. She has very sensitive skin, requiring us to be extemely careful when it comes to feeding and any other skin contact. However she loves it when people to talk to her. She can't stand being held all the time, and much prefers to be lying on a bed, or on someone's lap, and for people to talk to her...and quite often she will respond in her own way with a little "hmm hmm" or nodding her chin - and as Grandpa says "she's sooo sweet"!!!

Both babies have really come a long way. Initially they were feeding every 2 hours, and its now stretched out to about 3 hours, but sometimes at night they can go 5 hours straight without a feed. Both are now becoming more aware of their bodies - Katelyn especially loves to suck her hand or her arm...and loves putting her slobber all over whoever is most fortuate to carry her. Katherine loves bathing, and can't stand getting out of the bath - she'll kick and scream almost everytime we take her out of the bath. Dad thinks she's gonna be a super swimmer - in fact when lying on her front in the bath she has already learnt to kick by herself!

Each baby is quite unique, and have taken features from both mum and dad - including their personalities. Dad thinks Katelyn will be a girl who is very easy to get along with, but will take a stand whenever she needs to (she has that hint of feistiness in her), and Katherine will be the refined girl who loves to talk. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Lastly, mum has been a superhuman over the past 2 months - she is constantly feeding the girls, and quite often will feed them together at the same time...yes, we have a tandem breast feeding pillow! Despite all the sleep deprivation, and the physical demands on her body, plus the adjustment from being pregnant, she is really going on strong! Her mother has also been a pillar of strength with cooking, washing, changing nappies, nursing the babies...the list goes on. We had a maid arrive 2 weeks ago, and things in the house have really changed. Mum and Grandma are less stressed, and with the girls becoming a little easier to handle, things are looking up!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Cwazy bunnies

This mobile is Katherine's favourite toy at the moment. She can lie there for a long time just watching them go round and talking to them. Mummy loves the mobile too because it gives HER a little bit of quiet time!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A full night of sleep

Wow! 2 nights ago I had my first full night of sleep. Well apparently I thought I did - although Jeanette tells me I did get up to change Katelyn's nappy. Maybe I did it sleepwalking!

Anyway the girls have hit 8 weeks this week and are beginning to sleep longer. They are starting to become quite fun, as their eyes have started tracking movement. Katherine loves lying on the bed, and for people to talk to her. She even makes little grunting "ummm ummm" noises sometimes to acknowledge when we talk to her!

Fantastic stuff...

Proud godparent, Vince, dropped over 4 colourful toys yesterday for the girls to play (from his workplace, Ikea) and the girls love them...will post pics soon. Apparently he couldn't decide on 2 toys, so he bought all 4 (by the way, this seems to be a common problem with our the girls are fast amassing a toy store)!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Yello Mello

We took some great pics of the girls when they were just chilling out on our bed one night...

Big sista Katelyn looking all serious at the camera (this will make a ripper shot for her passport photo!), while little sista Katherine is all happy!
Katelyn having a nap on her sister's shoulder...good to see some cute sisterly love!
Katelyn making funny faces...while Katherine gives us the "I'm a tough dude from the mafia so don't mess with me" look...

New look!

Well the Aussie has decided to update the look of his blog - it now has a more contemporary look, rather than the previous more corporate look. Let me know what you think...

Furthermore, I'm in the midst of setting up a photo gallery, as we've had heaps of requests for more pics of the girls! Stay tuned

On a lighter note, we got out TWICE on the weekend! Amazing! Now i know this sounds ridiculous to non-twin people, but we went shopping on Saturday, and we had 5 helpers (Grandma, Grandpa, Wifey, Maid and Me) to look after the 2 girls. So it was kind of smooth sailing until they both started getting hungry.

Then on Sunday we went out again to another baptism - this time it was Kiran's son, Kael! It was going well, until Katherine decided she was hungry...thank goodness it happened on the way to the reception at Kiran's house, as she was screaming so loudly that I could even hear her while I was parking the car...and she was upstairs in the apartment block on Level 4!

Some baptism pics

Well we've finally got our pictures organised from the Baptism. Many thanks to cousin-in-law Samuel who took some fantastic pictures (over 300 pics!) with his super duper Canon SLR camera!

Proud parents! Definitely a Kodak moment!

Katelyn being baptised, with the help of godparents Jo & Vince.

Katherine being baptised, with the help of godparents Clarice & Francis.