Friday, April 27, 2007

Random pics

We have updated our Picasaweb galleries, so check em out! Here are some random pics from our recent trip to Sentosa with the girls!

Dressed in their swim suits, ready to swim and holding hands, looking so sweet! And the next thing you know, we turned our backs on the girls, and they are squirming and fighting!But they make up for it later - both are acting hungry, so they decide to eat each other's faces!

The two little monkeys on the bed! Notice the 2 small cots at the end of the room, and the twin stroller. What you don't see is the suitcase we had to bring, chockers full of baby stuff just for a 1 night stay!
The beautiful view from our room!
The two girls on our bed on the afternoon before we check out - completely conked out from their first swim in the morning!

Jon and the girls!


runawaymind said...
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runawaymind said...

Jon, they are so cute in their swimsuits!!!! Showing any potential yet for the national swimming team?

Keep the cute pics coming.

Cheers and all the best,

Aussieinsingapore said...

Yes of course, our girls are being trained to swim by the best in the business. We have 2 prospective aussie olympian swimming chics on the way!!!