Sunday, June 24, 2007

8.5mths now

Its sunday night, 10.45pm and the girls are tucked into bed for the night. The silence is bliss. We finally got a new laptop with a built-in webcam, which is great for video calling - so let us know if you ever want to video call us on Skype!

Katherine has been drooling buckets, as she has her 4th tooth appearing! Katelyn is not far behind with 2 teeth. Today we took the girls to church with us (second weekend in a row) and they were relatively well behaved. Unfortunately (for us) Katelyn seems to only know 1 volume in church, which is LOUD, so basically for an hour we tried all the tricks in the book to pacify her! Today she was getting a little to loud, so i decided to walk out of our row, and take her to the back of the church for a walkaround. I'm not sure whats wrong with people these days, but the guy at the end of the row refused to move his legs/feet while I tried to pass him while holding Katelyn. Sometimes you find idiots like this - i was just surprised to find one in church!

This afternoon some good friends came over - Kiran & Rima, together with their 10month old son Kael. This guy is superman - he's already 10kg, and is very strong for his age! Anyway it was a great experience for the twins - we noticed that Katelyn was very happy for Kael to be around, although we suspect Katherine to be a little possesive of her toys, cause each time Kael came in range of the toys, she would start making noises (ie yelling!) or start whimpering. So even at 8.5mths, she is showing some signs of possesiveness. Very interesting for us - so we will need to try and get the girls to mingle with more kiddies their age.

Okie dokie...good night!

PS you probably noticed I've now installed a "Chat Box" on the right hand side of the blog - feel free to leave a comment!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Life has changed...

Our girls are now 8.5mths old and its amazing how much life has changed in this short space of time. We haven't been to the movies in over a year now, nor have we had luxurious dinner together at a nice restaurant (a frequent past-time of ours). Life these days definitely revolves around the kids - whether its eating times, showering, working out what do do when - its all around the kids!

Looking back its been an amazing journey. I think life for Jeanette has changed more than it has for me. She has temporarily given up her career (just as it was getting going...although its nice to know she's still wanted in the industry as she was offered 2 positions a few weeks back) and is a fulltime mummy. And because she is still breastfeeding, it means that every night she has to be home to feed the girls - the only way we can go out is if we bring them along - and with all the effort to get them out, its only worthwhile doing very very occasionally! I try to help out where i can, and usually find myself at least 2 nights during the week coming home at a reasonable hour so i can help out with bathing (i really enjoy bathing the girls and playing with them in the bath!)

When we hear of couples complaining about the impact of their newborn child we always laugh - for us, having 1 child is an absolute luxury! Saying that, we couldn't imagine life without 2 vibrant little tigers.

It seems our priorities have changed too. In our life before twins, weeks were filled with meeting up with friends, going out to pubs/clubs, eating great food at great restaurants and kinda spending without too much thinking. Now our friends come over to our place to meetup (cause its kinda hard to get out sometimes with the kids). Going out means going down to the local grocery store around the corner. And eating lavishly means eating dinner in 15mins rather than 5mins.

And for me, now my dream car is no longer a Porsche 911 or even a modified Mitsubishi I dream of having a 8 seater MPV with 2 baby seats to cruise around in....and before you ask, yes I have done my research on modifying a MPV to look super cool!

Ok back to the subject. Conversation these days is filled with baby clothes, feeding, nappies, toys, prams....hahaha the list goes on. But, we have 2 beautiful babies and we are very happy about the decision we made to have kids. I'm off to bed!

Uncle Sean the Jungle Boy

Jungle boy is teaching little Katherine how to be a master of the jungle...running through the trees on our front lawn!

Family Dinner

We had our first family dinner in 8.5mths without the girls - all thanks to our baby sitters, Aunty June & Uncle David. It was amazing to be able to eat uninterrupted, and without having to gobble our food down as quickly as possible. So we took full advantage of the situation and had a steamboat lunch, buffet style with free flow sashimi, scallops, prawns, aussie clams...the list goes on...mmmmm!

In the pic is Sean, Jea, Jon, and Jea's parents...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Katherine showing mummy some love

Since Katherine turned about 7 months old, she has been more attached to mummy and becomes very fretful when mummy is not in sight or holding her. Here is a photo of her being very manja (pronounced as mun-jah and means affectionate in Malay).

How did Piglet get in my pj's?

Daddy enjoying some extra play time with Katherine because she is wide awake and doesn't want to go to sleep. It is 10pm and bed time was supposed to be 2 hours ago.

Little rugby player

This is the position Katelyn assumes just before plopping her bottom down to sit up.

Giggly Katelyn

The girls are now about 8 months 1 week old. Katelyn's two bottom front teeth have emerged (Katherine cut her teeth about a month ago). Leading up to the time Katelyn cut her teeth, she kept giving this little shiver, wrinklini her nose and grinning. She looked so adorable doing it we had to capture a picture of it. She is being held by Aunty June, Jeanette's mum' sister. We want to say a big THANK YOU to Aunty June and her husband, Uncle David, for helping baby sit recently so that Uncle Sean, Mum and Dad could take Grandpa and Grandma out for a Mother's cum Father's Day lunch.

Uncle Sean the Entertainer

Jeanette's brother, Sean, has been back in Singapore for the past 3 weeks (he works in London) and has been carrying out his 'uncle' duties faithfully everyday. One of which is to entertain the girls while mum or dad is trying to change their diapers, dress them, apply creams, etc. This photo is of Uncle Sean amusing Katherine. The "I'm gonna get you" pose is accompanied by a loud hissing noise-it totally cracks the girls up, especially Katherine.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Katherine's done it!

The girls turn 8 months tomorrow. We can't believe that in a mere 4 months time Katelyn and Katherine will turn 1 year old! Anyway, Katherine pulled herself up into a standing position in her cot today. Well done, Katherine! Even though both Katelyn and Katherine aren't able to stand on their own yet, they are eager to walk. If we support them by holding their hands, they are able to walk a few steps, albeit very unsteadily. They actually look like little drunkards.