Sunday, June 24, 2007

8.5mths now

Its sunday night, 10.45pm and the girls are tucked into bed for the night. The silence is bliss. We finally got a new laptop with a built-in webcam, which is great for video calling - so let us know if you ever want to video call us on Skype!

Katherine has been drooling buckets, as she has her 4th tooth appearing! Katelyn is not far behind with 2 teeth. Today we took the girls to church with us (second weekend in a row) and they were relatively well behaved. Unfortunately (for us) Katelyn seems to only know 1 volume in church, which is LOUD, so basically for an hour we tried all the tricks in the book to pacify her! Today she was getting a little to loud, so i decided to walk out of our row, and take her to the back of the church for a walkaround. I'm not sure whats wrong with people these days, but the guy at the end of the row refused to move his legs/feet while I tried to pass him while holding Katelyn. Sometimes you find idiots like this - i was just surprised to find one in church!

This afternoon some good friends came over - Kiran & Rima, together with their 10month old son Kael. This guy is superman - he's already 10kg, and is very strong for his age! Anyway it was a great experience for the twins - we noticed that Katelyn was very happy for Kael to be around, although we suspect Katherine to be a little possesive of her toys, cause each time Kael came in range of the toys, she would start making noises (ie yelling!) or start whimpering. So even at 8.5mths, she is showing some signs of possesiveness. Very interesting for us - so we will need to try and get the girls to mingle with more kiddies their age.

Okie dokie...good night!

PS you probably noticed I've now installed a "Chat Box" on the right hand side of the blog - feel free to leave a comment!


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