Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#K3 Marie Lau!

Well we still don't have a name for our baby. We agreed on Kaylee, which means "Who is Like God". But now we aren't sure....suggestions are welcome...

Anyway the baby is home now and doing well. She eats, sleeps and poos, and thats about it for now. Every now and then she'll smile or chuckle in her sleep, which is really cute. The twins are also very good at helping out with K3. They help with the bottle feeding (but in the last day, Jeanette has moved back to breastfeeding) and they also help with bathing. They are unfazed with her crying, and instead when K3 cries, sometimes we will find the twins singing songs to her!

Our sleeping beauty...

And the girls - Jeanette and I were just discussing that their 'look' seems to be changing again...their 3rd Birthday is coming fast - 6 October...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tattoo artists?

Katelyn and Katherine showing off the war paint on their arms and legs. They had just watched on tv elephants getting painted for an elephant parade and decided to do the same for themselves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daddy time

Dad getting acquainted with the new girl in his life :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 2 with our new kiddo

Well Day 2 has seen our new bubs take to breastfeeding quite well, so of course mummy is quite pleased. The twins are talking about the new baby all the time too!

Dad is knackered from taking care of the twins full time....now I know why I prefer to go to work!

Anyway, some more pics...

Just before delivery:

Just after delivery:
Big lungs!


And last but not least, Katelyn & Katherine with their new sister! In case you are having a hard time working out who is who, Katelyn is in the blue dress, and currently weighs 10.6kg, and her height is 82cm. In contrast Katherine is in the red dress, and weighs 11.7kg, and is 88cm tall. So the little sister is bigger!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sleeping bubs

Another pic of the sleepy girl from our camera phone. Its proving to be a handy gadget!

Proud dad

Dad is pretty stoked with the third edition to the family. That makes it 3 girls now!

More pics!

Baby number 3 has arrived!

At 8.10am this morning Jeanette delivered our third baby by caesasean. It took just 10 mins to pull the baby out and she weighs in at 3005grams, 48 cm long and head is 32cm round. She is doing well and so far seems to be quieter than when the twins were born, although its early days. Jeanette is going ok at the moment but is dreading the pain from the operation that will kick in soon once the epidural wears off as she can only take panadol as pain killer! We are still undecided on the name so over the next day we'll decide the name, and more pics will be posted!

Making pizza

Jeanette has started to get the girls interested in making their own food, so last week they made pizza's for up twice! They really enjoy making pizza's and we find that if they make their own food they always eat it! Their speciality is to make little mountains me topping's in the middle of the pizza!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Clowning around!

The girls turn 3 next month and have become great friends. They can spend endless hours chatting to each other and playing!


Big sisters turn to look cute!


Looking cute!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ballet lessons

The girls started their ballet lessons 3weeks ago, but have since stopped as katherine has stage fright and takes a long time to warm up. We'll start them again after they turn 3 on 6 oct.