Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#K3 Marie Lau!

Well we still don't have a name for our baby. We agreed on Kaylee, which means "Who is Like God". But now we aren't sure....suggestions are welcome...

Anyway the baby is home now and doing well. She eats, sleeps and poos, and thats about it for now. Every now and then she'll smile or chuckle in her sleep, which is really cute. The twins are also very good at helping out with K3. They help with the bottle feeding (but in the last day, Jeanette has moved back to breastfeeding) and they also help with bathing. They are unfazed with her crying, and instead when K3 cries, sometimes we will find the twins singing songs to her!

Our sleeping beauty...

And the girls - Jeanette and I were just discussing that their 'look' seems to be changing again...their 3rd Birthday is coming fast - 6 October...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gosh.. your girls grow up so fast! I remember sending you those baby monitors, now you can use it on your new born! wow!!!