Friday, December 25, 2009

Twins School Christmas Party

Each year at Katelyn and Katherine's child care centre, they have a christmas party where the kids sing a few songs to the adults....last year the twins had huge stage fright, and cried the entire time - they didn't even make it to the stage (its not really a stage - its just an area in front of their playground at the centre), and instead mum and dad were holding them the entire time! This time round, it was slightly better - the twins made it to the procession to the stage, but again got stage fright and they were crying and sobbing during their walk to the 'stage'. Once on stage, they continued to cry and hide at the back! Well at least they have shown some improvement from last year by making it to the stage!

Spot Katelyn the Sadface in the crowd!

Katherine getting her present from Father Christmas!

A pic of their childcare centre! Very colourful!

And 1hr later after their performance...walking back to the car with mummy, in high spirits after their ordeal!!!!
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