Thursday, July 14, 2005

Earning too much?

Just went to some Opthamology joint at a place called Cambden Medical Centre to get my stoopid eyes checked out. Apparently I have been overwearing my contacts so now my cornea is wearing out. Jeez medical technology sucks. Now I have to wear glasses for at least the next 6 months and look like a 4 eyed geak.

Anyway back to the gist of it - I get dropped off at this clinic, and a doorman opens up my taxi door for me to fast track my exit out of the taxi. Not bad service i think to myself. Then i realise that i'm not at a hotel, i'm at a Medical Centre!!! Anyway I head up the lift to see the optical clinic, and i felt like i was at the Ritz Carlton. Anyway I arrive in the foyer, and this place is HUGE!!!

I reckon the practitioners in the place must earn a bomb. Marble floors everywhere, marble pillars everywhere, oak wood plastered all over the walls....and to top it off, plasma and LCD tv's were all over the place, as if they were going out of fashion! Unbelievable. Now usually hospitals etc are run down, low budget places, at least where i come from. Perhaps I should have chosen the career path of a medical practitioner, and practised in Singapore! This incident also reminds me of the time I walked past the Mt. Elizabeth Hospital carpark. Was more like a luxury car shop, as it was stacked with BMW's, Merc's, Audi's, Porche's, Lexus etc...if you were driving a Camry there i reckon you would have been asked to leave the carpark!

Well, such is the life of a medical professional!

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