Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Paper harassment

Just a short update. I was standing at a street corner today, waiting for the pedestrian lights to give me the ok to cross in front of the crazy Singaporean drivers hooning around. Anyway there's some dude there handing out flyers advertising some hair and beauty thing (by the way, there are heaps of hair and beauty adverts everywhere which generally tell the ladies here to get slimmer or get their skinner whiter). Anyway this old fella was going crazy handing out flyers - he was just handing them out left right and centre. And if you didn't take one, he'd slam one into your hand so you had no choice but to take it! I call it paper harassment…. Obviously this guy is getting paid by how many flyers he distributes. The poor sod. Now if he was an Aussie, he would have put all the flyers in some public bin first thing in the morning, and he'd be at the beach by lunchtime, lapping up some waves!

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